Diaries of A MasterMind

The Diaries of a Mastermind

I am Mac Flagstone, a man with powers beyond belief, and beyond this world. For I, Mac Flagstone, can see into the swirling mists of the future. Laugh if you must, geniuses are always ridiculed and misunderstood. But whatever you think does not change the fact that I can tell what people are going to say in the very next sentence they utter.
Surely you don’t believe me, no one does. But consider this phenomenon, which I have experienced countless times. Whenever the phone is ringing, and someone goes to pick up the receiver, their next utterance pops into my head with infallible accuracy. Somehow I just know without a doubt that the person will say ‘hello‘. It’s frightening.
The other day I graced a restaurant with my presence. I had drunk most of my sweet tea, and it was very close to empty. The waitress appeared, took a glance at my glass, and opened her mouth to say something. I interrupted her. “Say no more. My powers tell me your exact words. You were going to say ‘Do you want a refill?’.” She was properly impressed, as I noticed she arched an eyebrow admiringly and whispered a great deal to her fellow waitresses. I never did get that refill, though.
My powers aren’t always so well-received, however. A while ago, while walking the city sidewalks whilst on my daily constitutional, a little elderly lady approached me. My powers told me she would ask me to help her across the street. When I took her arm and began to assist her along the crosswalk, she kicked up such a fuss, hollering for the police and Coast Guard, even the Secret Service. She was so confused and jealous of my mental prowess that when I released her safely on the other side she hit me viciously with her purse and for reasons of pure spite fled to the side of the road I had just helped her from. She then pretended she never even wanted across! How exasperating!
You don’t believe, I know. But I will prove myself to you. The very next words that will proceed from your mouth are forming in my mind. I see them. You will say- well! I beg your pardon! I didn’t think it was that bad of a story.